Browsing the archives for the Santorum category

Santorum, the ‘coulda, shoulda, woulda’ candidate ?

Republicans, Santorum, Uncategorized

Good article on Santorum, the primaries, the Republicans here:

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President Longshot?

Democrats, Faith, Freedom of Religion, Independents, obamacare, Republicans, Santorum, Uncategorized

Obama followed the leftist democrats, and shot himself in the foot with a cannon (HHS “ruling”), using federal government Obamacare to advance agenda of forced birth control, abortion pill, and overriding freedom of religion.
Santorum has won 2 or 3 of the R primary caucuses tonight. I believe the R’s and I’s have seen enough to see clearly. Big swing in the last week.
Rick Santorum may well be our next president.


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